Fager Victor Sweet Iron Weymouth



Shank Length

Fager Victor is recommended if you would describe your horse as the following:

  • Has sensitive bars and low palate.
  • Can throw its head up.
  • Requires more stability and encouragement to maintain a better connection.
  • Easily develops cuts/sores on the bars/corners of the mouth.

Victor's mouthpiece incorporates a comfortable, mullen mouth Weymouth bit in grey Sweet Iron.

The Sweet Iron is used to encourage the horse to accept the bit and carry it correctly in the mouth.

Victor is the ‘go-to’ choice if you are uncertain about how your horse will react in a Weymouth. It works for many different types of horses, gives bar relief, and more place for the bradoon.

The chain is a key feature which acts to distribute the pressure between the mouth poll and chin.

Hooks and chain are included.
