Fager Stephanie is a good choice if you would describe your horse as the following:
Stephanie is the perfect solution for horses that feel stiff and heavy in the contact, whilst at the same time express sensitivity to harsh hands. Fager Stephanies design relieves the constant pressure from the tongue and in combination with the lighter weight, creates a surprisingly different pressure as and when it is required.
The anatomical shape of the mouthpiece follows the natural contours of the mouth, dispersing the pressure evenly between the bars and tongue. This specific design has proven extremely comfortable, particularly for those horses with a large, fleshy tongue.
The short centrepiece eliminates any palate interference as it’s breakover is positioned to the outside of the tongue. Stephanie even suits horses whose conformation is a low and/or short palate combined with a large, fleshy tongue. These horses known to be particularly difficult to find suitable bits for.
The roller reaches further down than the joints to increase the pressure when required to avoid the need to constantly pull on the bit.
Note; Stephanie has the same mouthpiece as Sally. Sally is the snaffle version = normal snaffle rings. Stephanie is the bradoon version = smaller rings.
Collections: Bradoon, Dressage Legal Bits, Fager Bits and Accessories, Fager Fixed Cheek Bits, Fager Weymouth and Bradoon Bits